A trading post born off the southern tip of Asia to serve the British Empire once upon a time, the Republic of Singapore was born in the hands of her adopted children from Asia.
Rice and rubber we used to trade, now the time has come for us to create.
Experience the products from the children born and bred in Singapore. We are MADE IN SIN.
$16.00 - Sold Out
FAVOURITE SINGLISH TALESTake the words in, roll them in your mouth, taste the delectable lah's, lor's...
$32.00 - Sold Out
WHEN IN SINGAPORE, DO WHAT THE SINGAPOREANS DO Singapore is a unique blend of Chinese,...
$21.80 - Sold Out
NO PLACE LIKE HOME BALIK KAMPUNG is a collection of eight new tales of home...
$16.00 - Sold Out
POETICALLY SINGLISHSonnets from the Singlish is a collection of 44 poems on love, language and...